The Astrological e-Magazine


By Prof. Rishabh Shastri


Based on Standard & Popular Edition


The Magnum Opus (Bible) of Vedic Astrology

By The Great Maharshi PARASHARA


 Chapter 16. Effects of Putra Bhava

1-3. O Brahmin, now I tell you the effects, related to Putra Bhava. If the Lords of Lagna and Putra are in their own Rāśis, or in an angle, or in a trine, one will enjoy thorough happiness through his children. Should Putra’s Lord be in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya Bhava, there will be no offspring. Should the Lord of Putra be combust, or be with malefics and be weak, there will be no children; even, if per chance issues are obtained, they will only quit the world soon. The Yuti of Putra’s Lord with Lagna’s Lord in a good Bhava will ensure early obtainment of children apart from happiness through them. If they join in an evil Bhava, they will prove a defect in this respect.

4. If Putra’s Lord is in Ari Bhava, as Lagna’s Lord is yuti with Mangal, the native will lose his very first child, whereafter his female will not be fertile to yield an offspring.

5. Should Putra’s Lord be in fall in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya Bhava, while Budh and Ketu are in Putra Bhava, the native’s wife will give birth to one child only.

6. If Putra’s Lord is in fall and be not in Drishti to Putra, while Shani and Budh are in Putra, the native’s wife will give birth to one child only.

7. Should Dharm’s Lord be in Lagna, while Putra’s Lord is in fall and Ketu is in Putra along with Budh, obtainment of progeny will be after a great deal of ordeal.

8. If Putra’s Lord is in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya Bhava, or be in an inimical Rāśi, or be in fall, or in Putra itself, the native will beget issues with difficulty.

9. Should Putra Bhava be owned by Shani, or Budh and be occupied, or drishtied by Shani and Mandi, one will have adopted issues.

10. Should Rabi and Chandra be together in a Rāśi and in the same Navāńś, the native will be brought up by three mothers, or two fathers.

11. Adopted issue is indicated, if Putra is tenanted by six Grahas, while it’s Lord is in Vyaya Bhava and Chandra and Lagna are endowed with strength.

12. There will be many children, if Putra’s Lord is strong, while Putra is drishtied by strong Budh, Guru and Shukra.

13. If Putra’s Lord is with Chandra, or is in her Decanate, the native will beget daughters; so say Jyotishis.

14. If Putra’s Lord is in a Movable Rāśi, while Shani is in Putra, as Rahu is with Chandra, the child (so born) is of questionable birth.

15. Undoubtedly the native is born of other’s loins, if Chandra is in the 8th from Lagna, while Guru is in the 8th from Chandra. Malefic’s Drishti, or Yuti is essential in this Yoga

16. If Putra’s Lord is exalted, or be in Dhan, Putra, or Dharm Bhava, or be yuti with, or drishtied by Guru, obtainment of children will be there.

17. One will obtain children, that will indulge in mean deeds, if Putra is occupied by three, or four malefics, while Putra’s Lord is in fall. A benefic (including Budh) in Putra is excluded in the said combination.

18. If Putra is occupied by Guru, while its Lord is with Shukra, one will obtain an offspring in his 32nd, or 33rd year.

19. Should Putra’s Lord be in an angle along with Guru, the Karak, one will beget a child at the age of 30, or 36.

20. If Guru is in Dharm Bhava, while Shukra is in the 9th from Guru along with Lagna’s Lord, one will beget a child at the age of 40.

21. the native will at the age of 32 lose his child, if Rahu is in Putra, Putra’s Lord is in Yuti with a malefic and Guru is in debilitation.

22. There will be loss of children at 33 and 36, if a malefic is in the 5th from Guru, while another is in the 5th from Lagna.

23. Should Mandi be in Lagna, while Lagna’s Lord is in fall, grief on account of loss of child at the age of 56 will come to pass.

24-32. Number of Children. There will be 10 sons, if Bandhu Bhava and Ari Bhava are occupied by malefics, while Putra’s Lord is in deep exaltation, joining Lagna’s Lord, as Guru is with another benefic. Nine will be the number of sons that one will beget, if Guru is in deep exaltation, as Rahu is with Dhan’s Lord and Dharm is occupied by its own Lord. There will be eight sons, if Guru is in Putra, or Dharm Bhava, while Putra’s Lord is endowed with strength and Dhan’s Lord is in Karm Bhava. Shani in Dharm Bhava, while Putra’s Lord is in Putra itself, gives 7 sons, out of which twins will be born twice. If Putra’s Lord is in Putra in Yuti with Dhan’s Lord, there will be birth of 7 sons, out of which 3 will pass away. Only one son is denoted, if there be a malefic in Putra Bhava, while Guru is in the 5th from Shani, or vice versa. If Putra Bhava has a malefic in it, or, if Shani is in the 5th from Guru, the native will beget offspring only through his second or third wife. Should Putra be occupied by a malefic, while Guru is yuti with Shani in Putra Bhava, as Lagna’s Lord is in Dhan Bhava and Putra’s Lord is yuti with Mangal, one will live long, but lose his children one after the other, as they are born.

Chapter 17. Effects of Ari Bhava

1. O Brahmin, following are the effects, produced by Ari Bhava, relating to diseases, ulcers etc. Listen to this attentively.

2. Ulcers/Bruises. Should Ari’s Lord be in Ari itself, or in Lagna, or Randhra, there will be ulcers, or bruises on the body. The Rāśi, becoming Ari Bhava, will lead to the knowledge of the concerned limb.

3-5. Relatives Affected. The Karak of a relative or the Lord of such a Bhava, joining Ari’s Lord, or being in Ari, or Randhra Bhava, indicates ulcers/bruises to such a relative, like father. Rabi with such lordship and in such a Bhava denotes such affectation of head, Chandra of the face, Mangal of the neck, Budh of the navel, Guru of the nose, Shukra of the eyes, Shani of the feet and the Rahu and Ketu of the abdomen.

6. Facial Diseases. Should Lagna’s Lord be in an Rāśi of Mangal, or of Budh and has a Drishti on Budh, there will be diseases of the face.

7-8½. Leprosy. Mangal, or Budh, having ownership of the ascending Rāśi and joining Chandra, Rahu and Shani, will cause leprosy. If Chandra is in Lagna, which is not however Cancer, and be with Rahu, there will occur white leprosy. Shani in place of Rahu will cause black leprosy, while Mangal similarly will afflict one with blood-leprosy.

9-12½. Diseases in General. When Lagna is occupied by the Lords of Ari and Randhra Bhava along with Rabi, the native will be afflicted by fever and tumours. Mangal, replacing Rabi will cause swelling and hardening of the blood vessels and wounds and hits by weapons. Budh so featuring will bring in billious diseases, while Guru in similar case will destroy any disease. Similarly Shukra will cause diseases through females, Shani windy diseases, Rahu danger through low-caste-men and Ketu navel diseases. Chandra in Yuti with the Lords of Ari and Randhra Bhava will inflict dangers through water and phlegmatic disorders. Similar estimates are made from the respective significators and Bhavas for relatives, like father.

13-19½ TIMING OF ILLNESS. The native will be afflicted by illness throughout life, if Shani is with Rahu, while Ari Lord and 6th Bhava are yuti with malefics. One will suffer from (severe) fever at the age of 6 and at the age of 12, if Mangal is in Ari, while Ari Lord is in Randhra. If the Chandra is in Dhanu/Meen, while Guru is in Ari from Lagna, one will suffer from leprosy at the age of 19 and 22. If Rahu is in Ari, Lagnaa Lord is in Randhra and Mandi is in an angle, consumption will trouble the native at the age of 26. Spleenary disorders will be experienced at the age of 29 and 30, if the Lords of 6th and 12th are in exchange of their Rashi Shani and Chandra together in Ari will inflict blood-leprosy at the age of 45. If Shani is with an inimical planet, while Lagna Lord is in Lagna itself, windy disorders (like rheumatism) will trouble the native at the age of 59.

20-22. UNFORTUNATE YEARS. Should Chandra be yuti with Ari Lord, while the 8th Lord is in Ari and the 12th Lord is in Lagna, the native will be troubled by animals at the age of eight? O Brahmin, if Rahu is in Ari, while Shani is in Randhra from the said Rahu, the child will have danger through fire at the age of 1 and 2, while in Sahaj year birds will bring some evils.

23-25. UNFORTUNATE YEARS (continued). Danger through water will have to be feared during Putra and Dharm years, if Rabi is in Ari, or Randhra, while Chandra is in Vyaya from the said Rabi. Shani in Randhra, as Mangal is in Yuvati, all cause small-pox in Karm year and in 30th year of age. If 8th Lord joins Rahu in an angle/trine from Randhra Bhava and be in Randhra in Navamsa, the subject will be troubled by swelling of blood vessels, urinary disorders etc. during the 18th year and the 22nd year.

26. LOSS THROUGH ENEMIES. Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31st year, if Labh and 6th Lords exchange their Rashi

27. INIMICAL SONS. One’s own sons will be his enemies, if Putra Lord is in Ari, while Ari Lord is with Guru. Simultaneously Vyaya Lord should be in Lagna.

28. FEAR FROM DOGS. There will be fear from dogs during the 10th and 19th year, if the Lagnaa Lord and the 6th Lord are in exchange.

Chapter 18. Effects of Yuvati Bhava

1. O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me, detailing the effects of the 7th Bhava. If Yuvati Lord is in his own Rāśi, or in exaltation, one will derive full happiness through his wife (and marriage).

2. SICK WIFE. Should Yuvati Lord be in Ari, 8th, or Vyaya, the wife will be sickly. This however does not apply to own Bhava, or exaltation placement, as above.

3. Excessive·Libidinousness/Death·of·Wife. If Shukra is in Yuvati, the native will be exceedingly libidinous. If Shukra yuti a malefic in any Bhava, it will cause loss of wife.

4-5. THE 7TH LORD. Should Yuvati Lord be endowed with strength and be yuti with, or be drishtied by a benefic, the native will be wealthy, honourable, happy and fortunate. Conversely, if Yuvati Lord is in fall, or is combust, or is in an enemy’s Rāśi, one will acquire sick wives and many wives.

6. PLURALITY OF WIVES. If Yuvati Lord is in an Rāśi of Shani, or of Shukra and be drishtied by a benefic, there will be many wives. Should Yuvati Lord be particularly in exaltation, the same effects will come to pass?

7-8½. MlSCELLANEOUS MATTERS. The native will befriend barren females, if Rabi is in Yuvati. Chandra therein will cause association with such female, as corresponding to the Rāśi, becoming Yuvati. Mangal, placed in Yuvati, will denote association with marriageable girls (those with menses), or with barren females. Budh indicates harlots, mean females and females, belonging to traders’ community. Wife of a Brahmin or a pregnant female will be in the native’s association, if Guru is in Yuvati. Base females and females, having attained their courses, are denoted by Shani, Rahu/Ketu in Yuvati.

8-9½. Mangal denotes a female with attractive breasts. Shani indicates sick and weak spouse. Guru will bring a spouse with hard and prominent breasts. Shukra will bring one with bulky and excellent breasts.

10-13½. Malefics in Vyaya and 7th, while decreasing Chandra is in Putra denote that the native will be controlled by spouse, who will be inimical to the race (or family). If Yuvati Bhava is occupied, or owned by Shani/Mangal, the native will beget a harlot, as his spouse, or he will be attached to other illegally. Should Shukra be in a Navamsa of Mangal, or in a Rasi of Mangal, or receive a Drishti from, or be yuti with Mangal, the native will “kiss” the private parts of the female. If Shukra is so related to Shani, the native will “kiss” the private parts of the male.

14-15. WORTHY SPOUSE. The native will beget a spouse endowed with (the seven principal) virtues, who will expand his dynasty by sons and grandsons, if the 7th Lord is exalted, while Yuvati is occupied by strong Lagnaa Lord and a benefic.

16. EVILS TO SPOUSE. If Yuvati Bhava or its Lord is yuti with a malefic the native’s wife will incur evils, especially, if Yuvati Bhava or its Lord is bereft of strength.

17. LOSS OF SPOUSE. If Yuvati Lord is devoid of strength and is relegated to Ari, 8th, or Vyaya, or, if Yuvati Lord is in fall, the native’s wife will be destroyed (i.e. she will die early).

18. LACK OF CONJUGAL FELICITY. If Chandra is in Yuvati, as Yuvati Lord is in Vyaya and the Karaka (indicator Shukra) is bereft of strength, the native will not be endowed with marital happiness.

19-21. PLURALlIY OF WIVES. One will have two wives, if Yuvati Lord is in fall, or in a malefic Rāśi along with a malefic, while Yuvati Bhava or the 7th Navamsa belong to a eunuch planet. If Mangal and Shukra are in Yuvati, or, if Shani is Yuvati, while the Lord of Lagna is in Randhra, the native will have 3 wives. There will be many wives, if Shukra is in a Dual Rāśi, while its Lord is in exaltation, as Yuvati Lord is endowed with strength.

22. TIME OF MARRIAGE (upto Sloka 34). If Yuvati Lord is in a benefic’s Bhava (or in Dharm, as Subha Rāśi so means), while Shukra is exalted, or is in own Rāśi, the native will marry at the age of 5, or 9.

23. If Rabi is in Yuvati, while his dispositor is yuti with Shukra, there will be marriage at 7th, or 11th year of age.

24. Shukra in Dhan, while Yuvati Lord is in Labh will give marriage at the age of 10, or 16.

25. Marriage will take place during the 11th year, if Shukra is in an angle from Lagna, while Lagna Lord is in Makar, or Kumbh.

26. the native will marry at 12, or l9, if Shukra is in an angle from the Lagnaa, while Shani is in Yuvati counted from Shukra.

27. Should Shukra be in Yuvati from Chandra, while Shani is in Yuvati from Shukra, marriage will be in the 18th year.

28. Marriage will be in the 15th year, if Dhan Lord is in Labh, while Lagna Lord is in Karm.

29. An exchange between the Lords of Dhan and Labh will bring marriage 13 years after birth.

30. Ones 22nd/27th year will confer marriage, if Shukra is in Yuvati from the 8th Bhava (i.e. Dhan from Lagnaa), while his dispositor is yuti with Mangal.

31. Should Yuvati Lord be in Vyaya, while the natal Lord is in Yuvati in Navamsa, marriage will be in 23rd/26th year of age.

32. Either the 25th year, or the 33rd year will bring marriage, if Randhra Lord is in Yuvati, as Shukra is in Navamsa Lagnaa.

33. Should Shukra be in Dharm from Dharm (i.e. in Putra Bhava), while Rahu is in one of the said Bhavas (i.e. in Putra/Dharm), marriage will take place during 31st, or 33rd year.

34. the native will marry at 30, or 27, if Shukra is in Lagna, while the 7th Lord is in Yuvati itself.

35-39. TIMING OF WIFE’S DEATH. Loss of wife will occur in the 18th year, or 33rd year of age of the native, if Yuvati Lord is in fall, while Shukra is in Randhra. One will lose his spouse in his 19th year, if Yuvati Lord is in the 8th, while Vyaya Lord is in Yuvati. The native’s wife will die within three days of marriage due to snake bite, if the native has Rahu in Dhan and Mangal in Yuvati. If Shukra is in Randhra, while his dispositor is in an Rāśi of Shani, death of wife will take place during the native’s 12th or 21st year of age. Should the ascendat Lord be in his Rāśi of debilitation, as Dhan Lord is in Randhra, loss of wife will occur in the 13th year of age.

40-41. THREE MARRIAGES. Should Chandra be in Yuvati from Shukra, while Budh is in Yuvati from Chandra and Randhra Lord is in Putra (from the Lagnaa), there will be marriage in Karm year followed by another in the 22nd year and yet another in the 33rd year.

42. DEATH OF WlFE. Lf Ari, 7th and 8th are in their order occupied by Mangal, Rahu and Shani, the native’s wife will not live (long).

Chapter 19. Effects of Randhraa Bhava

1. Long Life. O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me speak on the effects of Randhra Bhava. If Randhra’s Lord is in an angle, long life is indicated.

2. Short Life. Should Randhra’s Lord join Lagna’s Lord or a malefic and be in Randhra itself, the native will be short lived.

3. Shani and Karm’s Lord about Longevity. Similarly consider Shani and Karm’s Lord in the matter of longevity. Karm’s Lord is in Randhra along with a malefic Graha and/or Lagna’s Lord.

4-7. Long Life. There will be long life, if Ari’s Lord is in Vyaya, or, if Ari’s Lord is in Ari, as Vyaya’s Lord is in Vyaya, or, if Ari’s Lord and Vyaya’s Lord are in Lagna and Randhra. If the Lords of Putra, Randhra and Tanu Bhava are in own Navāńśas, own Rāśis, or in friendly Rāśis, the native will enjoy a long span of life. Should the Lords of Lagna, Randhra and Karm Bhava and Shani are all disposed severally in an angle, in a trine, or in Labh Bhava, the subject will live long. Like these, there is much other Yoga, dealing with the issue of longevity. The strength and weakness of the Grahas concerned be estimated in deciding longevity.

8-13. Short Life. One’s span of life will be between 20 and 32 years, if Lagna’s Lord is weak, while Randhra’s Lord is an angle. The native will only be short-lived, if Randhra’s Lord is in fall, while Randhra Bhava has a malefic in it and Tanu Bhava is bereft of strength. Death will be instant at birth, if Randhra Bhava, Randhra’s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are all conjunct malefics. Malefics in angles and/or trines and benefics in Ari and/or Randhra Bhava, while Tanu Bhava has in it Randhra’s Lord in fall: this Yogaaa will cause immediate end. If Putra and Randhra Bhava and Randhra’s Lord are all conjunct malefics, the life span will be very brief. Within a month of birth, death will befall the child, if Randhra’s Lord is in Randhra itself, while Chandra is with malefics and be bereft of beneficial Drishti.

14-15. Long Life (again). One will be long-lived, if Lagna’s Lord is in exaltation, while Chandra and Guru are, respectively, in Labh and Randhra Bhava. If Lagna’s Lord is exceedingly strong and receives a Drishti from a benefic, which is placed in an angle, the person concerned will be wealthy, virtuous and long-lived.

Chapter 20. Effects of Dharma Bhava

(1) Combinations for Fortunes. O Brahmin, now listen to the effects of Dharm Bhava. One will be fortunate (or affluent), if Dharm’s Lord is in Dharm Bhava with strength.

(2) Should Guru be in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm’s Lord is in an angle and Lagna’s Lord is endowed with strength, one will be extremely fortunate.

3. Fortunate (Affluent) Father. If Dharm’s Lord is with strength, as Shukra is in Dharm, while Guru is in an angle from Tanu Bhava, the native’s father is fortunate.

4. Indigent Father. If Dharm’s Lord is debilitated, while the 2nd and/or the 4th from Dharm Bhava is occupied by Mangal, the native’s father is poor.

5. Long-living Father. Should Dharm’s Lord be in deep exaltation, while Shukra is in an angle from Tanu Bhava and Guru is in the 9th from Navāńś Lagna, the father of the native will enjoy a long span of life.

6. Royal Status for Father. If Dharm’s Lord is an angle and receives a Drishti from Guru, the native’s father will be a king endowed with conveyances, or be equal to a king.

7. Wealthy and Famous Father. Should Dharm’s Lord be in Karm Bhava, while Karm’s Lord receives a Drishti from a benefic the native’s father will be very rich and famous.

8-9. Virtuous and Devoted to Father. Should Rabi be in deep exaltation, as Dharm’s Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will be virtuous, dear to the king and devoted to father? If Rabi is in a trine from Lagnaa, while Dharm’s Lord is in Yuvati in yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Guru, the native will be devoted to his father.

10. Fortunes etc. Acquisition of fortunes, conveyances and fame will follow the 32nd year of age, if Dharm’s Lord is in Dhan, while Dhan’s Lord is in Dharm.

11. Inimical to Father. There will be mutual enmity between the father and the native, if Lagna’s Lord is in Dharm Bhava, but with the Lord of Ari. Further, the native’s father will be of contemptible disposition.

12. Begged Food. If Karm’s Lord and Sahaj’s Lord are bereft of strength, while Dharm’s Lord is in fall, or combust the native will go begging for his food.

13-25. Combinations for Father’s Death. The father of the native would have passed away prior to the native’s birth, if Rabi is in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya Bhava, as Randhra’s Lord is in Dharm Bhava, Vyaya’s Lord is in Tanu Bhava and Ari’s Lord is in Putra Bhava. Should Rabi be in Randhra Bhava, while Randhra’s Lord is in Dharm, the native’s father will pass away within a year of his birth. If the Lord of Vyaya Bhava is in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm’s Lord is in its debilitation Navāńś, the native’s father will face his end during the 3rd, or the 16th year of the native. Death of father will occur in the 2nd, or the 12th year, if Lagna’s Lord is in Randhra Bhava, as Randhra’s Lord is with Rabi. Should Rahu be in the 8th from Dharm, as Rabi is in the 9th from Dharm, death of father will take place in the 16th, or the 18th year of the native. If Shani is in the 9th from Chandra, as Rabi is with Rahu, the native’s father will die in the 7th, or the 19th year of the native. The native in his 44th year will lose his father, if Dharm’s Lord is in Vyaya, as Vyaya’s Lord is in Dharm. If Lagna’s Lord is in Randhra Bhava, as Chandra is in Rabi’s Navāńś, the native in his 35th or 41st year will lose his father. One will lose his father in the 50th year, if Rabi, being the Lord of Dharm, is conjunct Mangal and Shani. If Rabi is in the 7th from Dharm Bhava, as Rahu is in the 7th from Sahaj Bhava, the 6th or 25th year of the native will be fatal for father. If Shani is in the 7th from Randhra Bhava, as Rabi is in the 7th from Shani, the ages of 21, 26, or 30 will be fatal for the father. If Dharm’s Lord is in its debilitation Rāśi, while his dispositor is in Dharm Bhava, the native will lose his father at the age of 26, or 30. Thus the Jyotishis may know the effects.

26. Fortunes. One will enjoy abundant fortunes, if Shukra is in deep exaltation and be in the company of Dharm’s Lord, as Shani is in Sahaj.

27-28. Fortunate Periods. Abundant fortunes are acquired after the 20th year, if Dharm has Guru in it, as its Lord is in an angle from Lagna. Should Budh be in his deep exaltation, as Dharm’s Lord is in Dharm itself, abundant fortunes will be earned after the 36th year?

29. Should Lagna’s Lord be in Dharm, as Dharm’s Lord is in Lagna and Guru is in Yuvati, there will be gains of wealth and conveyances.

30. Lack of Fortunes. If Rahu is in the 9th from Dharm Bhava, as his dispositor is in Randhra Bhava and Dharm’s Lord is in fall, the native be devoid of fortunes.

31. Food by Begging. Should Shani be in Dharm Bhava along with Chandra, as Lagna’s Lord is in fall, the native will acquire food by begging.

32. O Brahmin, these are the effects related to Dharm Bhava. I have explained briefly. These may be estimated with the help of the state of the Lords of Lagna and Dharm Bhava and in other manners as well.


Thus Ends Brihat Parashara Hora-Shastram

By The Great Sage Parashara

Part---- 04 (Chapter 16-20)