The Astrological e-Magazine


By The Great Maharshi PARASHARA



Based on Standard & Popular Edition

The Magnum Opus (Bible) of Vedic Astrology

By The Great Maharshi PARASHARA


Chapter 66. Ashtak Varga

1-4. Maitreya said: “O Venerable Sage! You have described many kinds of effects, relating to the Grahas and Bhavas, after incorporating the views of many sages and Acharyas, but it is not possible to say with certainty, if a particular effect is quite correct, after considering the contradictions in the effects by the movements of the various Grahas. As because of sinful deeds, committed by people in Kaliyuga, their minds have become blunt, be kind enough to describe a method, which would enable even the shallow minded persons to ascertain their happiness and sorrows and determine their longevity on the Basis of the positions of the Grahas in transit.”

5-6. The sage replied: “O Brahmin! You have put a very intelligent question. I will now describe the Shastra for the benefit of all, the Shastra, in which there will be no contradictions in judging the effects of happiness and sorrows and for determination of the longevity. You now listen to me carefully.

7-11. If the 12 Bhavas, including Lagna, are occupied by, or aspected by benefic Grahas, they yield auspicious results, according to their characteristics, but this happens, where the Grahas concerned are in their exaltation Rashi, own Rashi, or posited in a benefic Bhava. There will be no good effects, if such Grahas are in depression, or posited in an inauspicious Bhava. Similarly the Bhavas, associated with, or aspected by malefics in depression, or posited in malefic Bhavas, yield adverse results, according to their characteristics. If such Grahas be in their exaltation Rashi, the effects will not be adverse. This is how the general effects have been described by the Daivajnas. I have only repeated those effects. The main purposes of this Jyotish Shastra are to determine the longevity and joys and sorrows of the people, but because the movements of the Grahas are so subtle, even sages, like Vashista and Brihaspati, have not been able to be quite definite in this respect. Then how can a common man, particularly in Kaliyuga, do so.

12. There are two divisions, or parts of the Jyotish Shastra, namely general and particular. I have already dealt with the general part. I now come to the other part, which deals with this subject in particular.

13-15. As the effects of the twelve Bhavas are judged from Lagna and Chandra, effects of the twelve Bhavas and the various Grahas are judged in the same manner. Therefore the inauspicious places from the seven Grahas, named, as Karan, beginning from Ravi and Lagna (total 8), should be marked by dots (Bindus) and auspicious places, named, as Sthan, by small vertical lines (Rekhas) and on the Basis of their assessment should the judgment of the horoscope and predictions be made.”

Notes. The above arrangement is known, as Ashtak Varga. The meaning of Ashtak Varga is literally the group of eight things. In other words it is the combination of the good and bad positions of a Graha with reference to the seven Grahas and Lagna. So it is the combination of the benefic and malefic marks (the Rekhas and the Bindus) in a planet’s chart with reference to the position of the eight Grahas (here Lagna is to be treated, as a Graha).

16. Five Grahas in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 3rd and the 12th Bhavas from Ravi are Karanprad (dot significators). Similarly four Grahas in the 7th and 4th, three Grahas in the 6th and 9th, six Grahas in the 5th, 2 Grahas in the 10th and one Graha in the 11th are dot significators.

17-19. Thus Lagna, Chandra, Guru, Shukra and Budh in the 1st, 2nd and 8th from Ravi; Ravi, Mangal, Shani, Chandra and Guru in the 12th; Budh, Chandra, Shukra, Guru in the 4th; Lagna, Chandra, Shukra in the 9th; Ravi, Shani and Mangal in the 6th; Lagna, Budh, Guru and Chandra in the 7th; Shukra in the 11th; Ravi, Shani, Shukra, Guru and Mangal in the 3rd; Guru and Shukra in the 10th; Ravi, Shani, Chandra, Lagna Mangal and Shukra in the 5th are Karanprad, or dot indicators.20-22. In Chandra’s Ashtak Varga 6 Grahas in the 9th and the 2nd, 5 Grahas in the 4th, 8th and the 1st, one Graha in the 10th and the 3rd, 4 Grahas in the 5th, 3 Grahas in the 6th and the 7th and 1st, eight in the 12th are Karanprad. Thus Lagna, Ravi, Mangal, Shani and Shukra, these five in the 1st; Lagna, Budh, Ravi, Chandra, Shani and Shukra, these 6 in the 2nd; Guru in the 3rd; Ravi, Shani, Chandra, Lagna and Mangal, these 5 in the 4th; Shukra, Budh, Guru, these 3 in the 6th; Mangal, Lagna and Shani, these 3 in the 7th; Mangal, Lagna, Shani, Shukra and Chandra, these five in the 8th; Lagna, Ravi, Mangal, Shani, Budh and Guru, these 6 in the 9th; Shani only in the 10th; none in the 11th; all the eight in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad. These Grahas in the other Bhavas are Rekhaprad(line significators).

23-27. In the Ashtak Varga of Mangal 6 Grahas in the 12th, 4th and 7th, 5 Grahas in the 5th, 6 Grahas in the 2nd, 7 Grahas in the 9th, 5 Grahas in the 1st and 8th, 4 Grahas in the 3rd, 3 Grahas in the 10th and 2 Grahas in the 6th are Karanprad. In the 11th no Graha is Karanprad. In other words all the Grahas in the 11th from their own places are Rekhaprad. Thus Ravi, Chandra, Budh, Guru and Shukra, these five in the 1st; Lagna, Ravi, Chandra, Budh, Guru and Shani, these 6 in the 2nd; Shukra, Mangal, Guru and Shani, these 4 in the 3rd; Ravi, Chandra, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Lagna, these 6 in the 4th; Chandra, Mangal, Guru, Shukra and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Mangal and Shani, these 2 in the 6th; Budh, Chandra, Ravi, Shukra, Guru and Lagna, these 6 in the 7th; Budh, Chandra, Ravi, Lagna and Guru, these five in the 8th; Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Lagna, these 7 in the 9th; Shukra, Chandra and Budh, these 3 in the 10th; none in the 11th; Ravi, Shani, Budh, Chandra, Lagna and Mangal, these 6 in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad.

28-30. In the Ashtak Varga of Budh 3 Grahas in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 6th and 9th, 2 Grahas in the 8th, 6 Grahas in the 3rd and the 7th, none in the 11th, 5 Grahas in the 5th and 12th are Karanprad. Thus Ravi, Chandra and Guru, these 3 in the 1st; Guru, Ravi and Budh, these 3 in the 2nd; Lagna, Ravi, Mangal, Shani, Chandra and Guru, these 6 in the 3rd; Budh, Ravi and Guru, these 3 in the 4th; Guru, Mangal, Chandra, Shani and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Shukra, Shani and Mangal, these 3 in the 6th; Budh, Chandra, Lagna, Ravi, Shukra and Guru, these 6 in the 7th; Budh and Ravi, these 2 in the 8th; Guru, Chandra and Lagna, these 3 in the 9th; Ravi, Guru and Shukra, these 3 in the 10th; none in the 11th; Lagna, Chandra, Mangal, Shani and Shukra these 5 in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad.

31-34. In the Ashtak Varga of Guru one Graha in the 2nd and 11th, 2 Grahas in the 10th, 7 Grahas in the 12th, 4 Grahas in the 6th, 5 Grahas in the 8th and 3rd, 3 Grahas in the remaining Bhavas are Karanprad. Thus Shukra, Chandra and Shani, these 3 in the 1st; Shani in the 2nd and 11th; Lagna, Mangal, Chandra, Budh and Shukra, these 5 in the 3rd; Ravi, Guru and Mangal, these 3 in the 5th; Shukra, Shani and Chandra, these 3 in the 4th; Budh, Shukra and Shani, these 3 in the 7th; Guru, Mangal, Ravi and Chandra, these 4 in the 6th; all except Shani, these 7 in the 12th; Chandra and Shani, these 2 in the 10th; Shani, Mangal and Guru, these 3 in the 9th; Lagna,  Shani, Shukra, Chandra and Budh, these 5 in the 8th from their own places are Karanprad.

35-38. In the Ashtak Varga of Shukra 2 Grahas in the 5th, 8th and 3rd, 5 Grahas in the 1st, 2nd, 12th, 10th, 8 Grahas in the 7th, 6 Grahas in the 6th, one in the 9th, 3 in the 4th, none in the 11th are Karanpradas. Thus Ravi, Mangal, Budh, Guru and Shani, these 5 in the 1st and the 2nd; all the 8 Grahas in the 7th; Guru and Ravi, these 2 in the 3rd; Ravi and Mangal, these 2 in the 5th; Ravi in 9th; Ravi, Budh and Guru, these 3 in the 4th; Mangal and Budh, these 2 in the 8th; Shukra, Ravi, Chandra, Shani, Lagna and Guru, these 6 in the 6th; none in the 11th; Lagna, Shani, Budh, Shukra and Guru, these 5 in the 12th; Lagna, Mangal, Budh, Chandra, Ravi, these 5 in the 10th from their own places are Karanpradas.

39-42. In the Ashtak Varga of Shani 7 Grahas in the 2nd, 7th, 9th, 6 Grahas in the 8th, Lagna and 4th, 4 Grahas in the 10th, 3rd and 12th, one Graha in the 6th, 5 Grahas in the 5th, none in the 11th are Karanpradas. Thus Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Shani, these 6 in the 4th and the 1st; Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Shani and Lagna, these 7 in the 2nd and the 7th; Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Guru, Shukra, Shani and Lagna, these 7 in the 9th; Chandra, Guru, Shukra and Shani, these 4 in the 10th; Guru, Ravi, Budh and Shukra, these 4 in the 3rd; Ravi in the 6th; Lagna, Chandra, Shani, Ravi, these 4 in the 12th; Shukra, Ravi, Chandra, Budh and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Chandra, Mangal, Guru, Shukra, Shani and Lagna, these 6 in the 8th; none in the 11th from their own places are Karanpradas. The remaining places are Rekhapradas and are auspicious.

43-45. The sage said. Now I will describe the auspicious Bhavas for the benefit of the Acharyas. In the Ashtak Varga of Ravi: Shani, Mangal and Ravi in the 2nd, 8th and 1st; Guru and Budh in the 5th; Budh, Chandra and Lagna in the 3rd; Lagna, Ravi, Shani and Mangal in the 4th; Lagna, Ravi, Shani, Mangal, Budh and Chandra in the 10th; Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shani and Lagna in the 11th; Lagna, Shukra and Budh in the 12th; Lagna, Shukra, Budh, Guru and Chandra in the 6th; Ravi, Mangal, Shani and Shukra in the 7th; Ravi, Mangal, Shani, Budh and Guru in the 9th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

46-48. In the Ashtak Varga of Chandra: Budh, Chandra and Guru in the 1st; Guru and Mangal in the 2nd; Budh, Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Shani, Shukra and Lagna in the 3rd; Guru, Shukra and Budh in the 4th; Mangal, Budh, Shukra and Shani in the 5th; Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Shani and Lagna in the 6th; Ravi, Chandra, Guru, Budh and Shukra in the 7th; Ravi, Budh and Guru in the 8th; Shukra and Chandra in the 9th; Ravi, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Chandra, Lagna and Mangal in the 10th and all the 8 Grahas in the 11th from their own places are Rekhapradas. No Graha is Rekhaprad in the 12th.

49-50. In the Ashtak Varga of Mangal: Lagna, Shani and Mangal in the 1st; Mangal in the 2nd; Lagna, Budh, Chandra and Ravi in the 3rd; Shani and Mangal in the 4th; Budh and Ravi in the 5th; Budh, Chandra, Guru, Ravi, Lagna and Shukra in the 6th; Shani and Mangal in the 7th; Shani, Mangal and Shukra in the 8th; Shani in the 9th; Mangal, Ravi, Guru, Shani and Lagna in 10th; all in the 11th and Guru and Shukra in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

51-52. In the Ashtak Varga of Budh: Lagna, Shani, Mangal, Shukra and Budh in the 1st; Lagna, Mangal, Chandra, Shukra and Shani in the 2nd; Shukra and Budh in the 3rd; Lagna, Chandra, Shani, Shukra and Mangal in the 4th; Budh, Shani and Shukra in the 5th; Guru, Budh, Ravi, Chandra and Lagna in the 6th; Mangal and Shani in the 7th; Mangal, Shani, Lagna, Chandra, Shukra and Guru in the 8th; Shani, Mangal, Ravi, Budh and Shukra in the 9th; Lagna, Shani, Mangal, Budh and Chandra in the 10th; all in the 11th and Guru, Budh and Ravi in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

53-55. In the Ashtak Varga of Guru: Lagna, Mangal, Ravi and Budh in the 1st and 4th; Guru, Lagna, Mangal, Ravi, Budh, Chandra and Shukra in the 2nd; Shani, Guru and Ravi in the 3rd; Shukra, Chandra, Lagna, Budh and Shani in the 5th; Shukra, Lagna, Budh and Shani in the 6th; Lagna, Mangal, Guru, Ravi and Chandra in the 7th; Guru, Ravi and Mangal in the 8th; Shukra, Ravi, Lagna, Chandra and Budh in the 9th; Guru, Budh, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra and Lagna in the 10th; all except Shani in the 11th and Shani in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

56-58. In the Ashtak Varga of Shukra: Lagna, Shukra and Chandra in the 1st; Lagna, Shukra and Chandra in the 2nd; Lagna, Shukra, Chandra, Budh, Shani and Mangal in the 3rd; Lagna, Shukra, Chandra, Shani and Mangal in the 4th; Lagna, Budh, Chandra, Guru, Shani and Shukra in the 5th; Budh and Mangal in the 6th; none in the 7th; Shukra, Ravi, Chandra, Guru, Lagna and Shani in the 8th; all except Ravi in the 9th; Shukra, Guru and Shani in the 10th; all in the 11th; Mangal, Chandra and Ravi in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

59-60. In the Ashtak Varga of Shani: Ravi and Lagna in the 1st; Ravi in the 2nd; Lagna, Chandra, Mangal and Shani in the 3rd; Lagna and Ravi in the 4th; Guru, Shani and Mangal in the 5th; all except Ravi in the 6th; Ravi in the 7th; Ravi and Budh in the 8th; Budh in the 9th; Ravi, Mangal, Lagna and Budh in the 10th; all in the 11th; Mangal, Budh, Guru and Shukra in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

61-64. In the Ashtak Varga of Lagna 3 Grahas in the 1st and 4th, 2 Grahas in the 3rd, 5 Grahas in the 2nd, 6 Grahas in the 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th, one Graha in the 10th, 11th and 6th and all except Guru in the 7th are Karanpradas. Thus Lagna, Ravi and Chandra in the 1st; Lagna, Mangal, Chandra, Ravi and Shani in the 2nd; Guru and Budh in the 3rd; Lagna, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Shani and Ravi in the 5th; Lagna, Chandra and Mangal in the 4th; Shukra in the 6th; all except Guru in the 7th; Lagna, Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Guru and Shani in the 8th; Lagna, Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Budh and Shani in the 9th; Shukra in the 10th and 11th; Lagna, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Shani in the 12th from their own places are Karanpradas.

65-68. In the Ashtak Varga of Lagna: Shani, Budh, Shukra, Guru and Mangal in the 1st; Budh, Guru and Shukra in the 2nd; Lagna, Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Shukra and Shani in 3rd; Ravi, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Shani in the 4th; Guru and Shukra in the 5th; all except Shukra in the 6th; Guru in the 7th; Budh and Shukra in the 8th; Guru and Shukra in the 9th; all except Shukra in the 10th; all except Shukra in the 11th and Ravi and Chandra in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

69. In the charts of Ashtak Varga Karan is signified by a Bindu, or dot (0) and Sthan by a Rekhapradas, or line (1). Karan is inauspicious, while Sthan is auspicious.

70-72. To identify the auspicious and inauspicious Bhavas in the Ashtak Varga a chart should be prepared with 14 horizontal lines and ten vertical lines. The form of the chart so prepared will consist of 117 apartments. In this chart in the first line incorporates the names of the seven Grahas and Lagna. In the first column write the numbers of all the 12 Bhavas. After this mark dots under the Graha and against the Karanprad Bhavas. By doing so the Karanprad Bhavas of all the 8 Grahas, including Lagna, will become known clearly and whenever the Ashtak Varga Graha will pass in transit the dot-marked Bhavas, he will yield unfavourable results. In his transit to other Bhavas he would give favourable effects. The following table shows the dots in the Ashtak Varga of Ravi.

Chapter  67. Trikon Shodhana in the Ashtak Varga

1-2. The sage said. O Brahmin! After preparing the Ashtak Varga of all the Grahas, including Lagna, Trikon Shodhana has to be done for each Rashi. A Trikon is made of three Rashis equidistant from each other. Thus Mesh, Simh and Dhanu, Vrishabh, Kanya and Makar, Mithun, Tula and Kumbh, Kark, Vrischik and Meen form the Trikonas of the Rashis.

3-5. The Trikon Shodhana (rectification) should be done by writing the Rekhas in the Ashtak Vargas of Ravi etc. under the Rashis Mesh etc. Amongst the Trikon Rashis the Rashi, which has lesser number of Rekhas, should be allotted Rekhas, arrived at by deducting its number of Rekhas from the greater number of Rekhas of the three Trikon Rashis. No Trikon Shodhana is necessary, if any of the Trikon Rashis has no Rekha. Shodhana should be done, if all the three of them have equal number of Rekhas, that is a zero should be written against all of them. Thereafter Ekadhipatya Shodhana should be done in the same manner, described later. (For Shodhana of the Ashtak Varga of a Graha the first thing to be done is to see, in which Rashi the Graha is posited. Beginning from that Rashi, the names of the 12 Rashis should be written and then the names of the Grahas, posited in them, should be mentioned against them. Thereafter the Rekhas, gained by that Rashi, should be written below them and the number, achieved after Shodhana, below it)

Chapter 68. Ekadhipatya Shodhana in the Ashtak Varga

1-5. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done after writing the numbers for Rashis, arrived at by Trikon Shodhana. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done, if both the two Rashis, owned by a Graha, have gained a number after Trikon Shodhana. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is not to be done, if one Rashi has got a number and the other is bereft of any number. The following are the rules for Ekadhipatya Shodhana. If both the Rashis are without a Graha and the Trikon Shodhana numbers are different, both should be given the smaller number. If both the Rashis are with Grahas, no Shodhana is to be done. If amongst the two Rashis one is with a Graha and a smaller Trikon rectified number and the other is without Graha with a bigger number, deduct the smaller number from the bigger number and the number of the Rashi with Graha should be kept unchanged. If the Rashi with the Graha has a bigger number than that of the Rashi without Graha, the Shodhana should be done of the number of the Rashi without Graha and the number of the Rashi with Graha should be kept unchanged. If both the Rashis are without Grahas and possess the same numbers, Shodhana of both the numbers should be done and the rectified numbers should be reduced to zero. If one Rashi is with Graha and the other is without any Graha, the number of the latter should be reduced to zero. Ravi and Chandra own one Rashi only, their numbers should be kept unchanged.

6. After doing Ekadhipatya Shodhana, Pinda Sadhana should be taken in hand.

Chapter 69. Pinda Sadhana in the Ashtak Varga

1-4. The Sage said. O Brahmin! After completing the Trikon and Ekadhipatya Shodhana in the Ashtak Vargas of all the Grahas, the rectified number should be multiplied by the measure of the Rashi. If there be any Graha in any Rashi, the rectified number should be multiplied by the measure of the Graha also. Then, after multiplying the rectified number of each Rashi, the products should be added up. The total so arrived at will be Pinda of that Graha. The multiples of Rashis are 10 for Vrishabh and Simh, 8 for Mithun and Vrischik, 7 for Mesh and Tul, 6 for Makar and Kanya. The multipliers of the remaining Rashis are the same, as their numbers. (Rashiman Chakra. Mesh 7, Vris 10, Mith 8, Kark 4, Simh 10, Kany 6, Tula 7, Vrsk 8, Dhan 9, Maka 5, Kumb 11, Mina 12) The multipliers of Grahas are 10 for Guru, 3 for Mangal, 7 for Shukra, 6 for Budh, Ravi, Chandra and Shani. (Grahaman Chakra. Ravi 5, Chandra 5, Mangal 8, Budh 5, Guru 10, Shukra 7, Shani 5)

Chapter  70. Effects of the Ashtak Varga              

1-6. The matters to be considered from Ravi and other Grahas are, as follows. Ravi - the soul (Atman), nature, physical strength, joys and sorrows and father. Chandra - mind, wisdom, joy and mother. Mangal - co-borns, strength, qualities and land. Budh - business dealings, livelihood and friends. Guru - nourishment of the body, learning, son (children), wealth and property. Shukra - marriage, enjoyments, conveyance, prostitution and sexual intercourse with women. Shani - longevity, source of maintenance, grief, danger, losses and death. The following procedure should be adopted to ascertain the effects of a house. Multiply the number of Rekhas with the Yogaa Pinda (Rashi Pinda plus Graha Pinda), connected with the Ashtak Varga of that Graha and divide the product by 27. The remainder will denote the number of the Nakshatra. During the transit of Shani in that Nakshatra the Bhava concerned will be harmed.

7-9. The 9th house from Ravi at the time of birth deals with father. The Rekhas of that Rashi, as marked in Ravi’s Ashtak Varga, should be multiplied by the Yogaa Pinda and the product be divided by 27. The remainder will denote the number of Nakshatra. The father will be in distress, or he will otherwise suffer, when Shani in transit passes through the Nakshatra. Even, when Shani passes in transit the Trikon Nakshatras, father, or relatives, like father, may die, or suffer.

Notes. By dividing the 27 Nakshatras in three equal parts, the 1st, 10th and 19th fall in Trikon from each other. Ravi is PitraKarak (significator of father). Therefore all about father is ascertained from the Ravi’s Ashtak Varga.

10-11. If the Ashtak Varga Rekha number is multiplied by the Yogaa Pinda and the product is divided by 12, the remainder will denote the Rashi, through which, or through the Rashis in Trikon to it, the transit of Shani will cause harm, or unfavourable effects to father. Death of the father may occur, if the Dasha prevailing at that time be unfavourable. If the Dasha be favourable, father will face only adverse effects.

(12-15 Arishta to Father) 12-14. The death of the father may be expected, if Rahu, Shani, or Mangal are in the 4th from Ravi at the time of transit of Shani through any of the above three Rashis (Trikon Rashis). The death of the father will come to pass by such transit, if at that time Shani, associated, or aspected by a malefic, be in the 9th from Lagna, or Chandra and/or the Dasha of the Lord of the 4th from Lagna be in operation. The death does not take place, if a favourable Dasha be in force at the time of Shani’s transit. This should be kept in mind by the Jyotishis, while making predictions.

15. If the Rashi of Lagna of the native be the 8th Rashi from Lagna of the father, or, if the Lord of the 8th from father’s Lagna be in Lagna of the native, he takes over all the responsibilities of his father after the latter’s death.

16-18. The father enjoys happiness in the Dasha of the Lord of the 4th from Lagna. The native is obedient to his father, if the Lord of the 4th be in Lagna, or the 11th, or in the 11th, or 10th from Chandra. If the birth be in the 3rd Rashi from Lagna, or Chandra of the father, the native makes proper use of the wealth, inherited from his father. If the birth be in the 10th Rashi from Lagna, or Chandra of the father, the native will inherit all the good qualities of his father. If the Lord of the 10th be in Lagna, the native will be more distinguished than his father.

19-20. No auspicious functions, like marriage etc., should be performed in the month of Rashis (that is, when Ravi transits that Rashi), which has more number of dots in Ravi’s Ashtak Varga. The same applies to the Samvatsar of that Rashi (that is, when the mean Guru transits that Rashi). Auspicious functions should be performed, when Ravi, or the mean Guru transits the Rashi, which has more Rekhas in Ravi’s Ashtak Varga.

21-23. In the same manner no auspicious functions should be performed during the transit of Chandra in the Rashi, which has larger number of dots in Chandra’s Ashtak Varga. Consideration, regarding mother, house and village, should be done from the 4th Bhava from Chandra. Therefore multiply the number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga of Chandra by the Yogaa Pinda of that Ashtak Varga and divide the product by 27. The death of, or distress to mother may be expected, when Shani passes in transit through the Nakshatra, denoted by the remainder. Then divide the product by 12. The death of the mother may occur, when Shani transits the Rashi, denoted by the remainder. Distress to mother may be predicted, when Shani transits the Nakshatras, or Rashis in Trikon to Nakshatra and Rashi, indicated above.

24-27. Consideration of brothers (co-borns), valour and patience is done from Mangal’s Ashtak Varga. If the number of Rekha is larger in any Rashi after Trikon Shodhana, there will be gains of land, happiness from wife and great happiness to brother, when Mangal passes through that Rashi in transit. If Mangal be weak, the brothers will be short lived. There will be distress to brothers, when Mangal transits a Rashi without Rekhas. Here also the Yogaa Pinda of Mangal should be multiplied by the number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga and the product be divided separately by 27 and 12. The remainders will denote the Nakshatra and Rashi. The brother will suffer, whenever Shani transits that Nakshatra, or Rashi (or the Trikon Nakshatras, or Rashis).

28-29. Consideration in regard to family, maternal uncle and friends should be done from the 4th Bhava from Budh. The family etc. will enjoy happiness during the transit of Budh’s Ashtak Varga. After performing Trikon and Ekadhipatya Shodhana in Budh’s Ashtak Varga, the happiness, or distress of the family should be predicted from the transit of Shani through the resultant Nakshatra and Rashi (and those in Trikon to them).

30-33. All about knowledge, religious inclinations of the native and son (progeny) is to be ascertained from the 5th Bhava from Guru. If the Rekhas in the 5th Bhava from Guru are larger in number in the Ashtak Varga, there will be great happiness in respect of progeny. If the dots are larger in number, the happiness in respect of progeny will be meagre. The number of children are equal to the number of Rekhas in the 5th Bhava (from Guru), provided it is not the Rashi of debilitation of Guru, or his enemy’s Rashi. In that case the number of children will be very limited. The number of children is also equal to the number of Navamsha, in which the Lord of the 5th from Guru is posited. Multiply the Yogaa Pinda of Guru by the number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga and divide the product separately by 27 and 12. The remainders will denote the Nakshatra and Rashi. Transit of Shani through that Nakshatra and its Trikon Nakshatras and of that Rashi and its Trikon Rashis will be inauspicious. During that period the knowledge, learning and religious activities of the native will also be adversely affected.

34-36. There will be gain of wealth, land and happiness and marriage, whenever Shukra passes in transit through the Rashis, which have larger number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga of Shukra. These gains will be from the directions of the 7th Rashi from Shukra and of its Trikon Rashis. The effects should be judged in the manner, already explained earlier, after multiplying the Rekhas in the 7th Bhava from Shukra by the Yogaa Pinda.

37-40. The 8th Bhava from Shani signifies death, as well as longevity. Assessment about longevity should be made from that Bhava through the Ashtak Varga. Therefore predict distress to the native in the year, equal to the number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga from Lagna up to Shani. The year, equal to the number of Rekhas from Shani up to Lagna, will also be of distress. If in the year, equal to the total of the above Rekhas, Arishta Dasha be also in operation, there can be possibility of death of the native.

41-42. Multiply the Yoga Pinda by the number of Rekhas in the Ashtak Varga and divide the product by 27. The death of the native will take place, when Shani passes in transit through the Nakshatra, denoted by the remainder, or it’s Trikon Nakshatras. Again, divide the product by 12. The native will face danger of death, when Shani passes in transit through the Rashi, denoted by the remainder, or through its Trikon Rashis.

43-44. The results will be favourable, when Shani passes in transit through Rashis, which have larger number of Rekhas in Shani’s Ashtak Varga. Shani’s transit through Rashis, which have larger number of dots, will produce only evil effects.

Thus Ends Brihat Parashara Hora-Shastram

By The Great Sage Parashara     

Part- 14 (Chapter— 66---70 )